MATS B Week 4 - Editorial


Good gracious- i'm so far behind on my blogging. Time to catch-up! Week 4 in Make Art that Sells B was one of my favorite (and arguably most successful) weeks yet. I knew it would be a map assignment and I was kind of dreading that I needed to do a map of Dubuque, Iowa. Then I found out that we could do a map of where we lived OR a favorite place. I could do Yosemite or Bloomington, IN, or somewhere else! But then I thought about it- and realized that illustrating Dubuque was a good opportunity to really look at our new city and challenge myself. (Thankfully Dubuque does have a lot of interesting old buildings, a river, and a noticeable german/irish Catholic influence). Here's what I made:
I adore how it turned out! It was so fun to draw such a variety of icons- from a nun and trout to an eagle and trolley!


Unknown said...

Can this print be purchased?

KV said...

Yes! Please email me at katie(at) to follow up! thanks!

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